Pre-emptive chemical-physical controls are carried out on the premises by the staff of the quality control laboratory,  both on  the raw materals used and on the finished product. In addition,  checks and tests are carried out on the product once again at qualified laboratories which contribute to providing analytical data for the purpose of compiling and drafting certifications created internally and provided by the company to the Customer.

On all production lots and on some particular raw materials – on request–  microbiological or stability tests are carried out, the latter only in combination with the previous.

Thanks to collaboration with external Accredited Testing Laboratories or primary Headquarters or Universities, efficacy tests can be carried out on demand.

R&D staff and corporate staff in general, pay special attention and dedication to the needs and demands of Customers, constantly updating them on the evolution of the study proposal in progress, on the creation and assessment of prototypes and subsequently in the final stages of production, preserving safety of results, and creating a real partnership during and following the production process.

The entire processing cycle takes place under maximum protection through controlled production parameters. Processing stages are kept under control scrupulously, with the aim to ensure maximum quality to the finished product.

From an idea to research and production; from planning and choosing packaging to logistics; from scientific consultancy to marketing and administration services: all this focusses on high quality standards which are impeccable in all activities.

Production process protocols go through rigorous checks and each step is managed by an integrated and personalised processing system which ensures traceability of each operation carried out and of each component used.


Starting from the drafting of a formulation to the final delivery, going through production and the relative packaging, everything is checked and processed accurately in compliance with regulations with full accountability on the part of the company.